Saturday, 29 June 2013


Meet the new resident of Ty Hen Cottage, Maureen. Recently we lost one of our young cats, Maeve, to the cat virus FIP.  It was so sad to see her short life fade away but she had been a very happy, loving little pet. So, from a friend, came this beautiful cat, still getting used to life here but we are very glad she seems healthy and strong.

Our garden and paddock continue to keep us busy and we are quite used to eating dinner after 9pm as we get carried away outside after getting in from work each evening. Flowers, fruit and veg are now threatening to take over the place. I think everything is about two weeks behind, we usually have a house full of sweet peas by the second week in June but they are now just into full swing. Strawberries, usually plentiful in time for midsummer, are just beginning.

Paul's veg garden in the paddock which I showed in the last post is now fenced and partially planted, the Sarpo blight resitant maincrop potatoes are doing well. Photos soon! Our raised beds nearer to the house are very productive and its great not to have to buy much food at this time of year.Every night is a garden dinner so we are determined to grow a bit more variety next year. 

Tomatoes, cinnamon basil and habenero chillies in the glasshouse.

Broad bean leaf showing  advanced chocolate spot! I have sprayed with biopesticide, Serenade, which contains Bacilis subtilis so there is no harvest interval. It seems to have worked!

Like all other veg gardeners we are swamped with lettuce so today I made lettuce soup. It was not strong flavoured but fresh and pleasant tasting. It also looked pretty. Wonder whether we liked it enough to make some more this week!
First Dahlias in flower today, cant wait to start picking! I managed to get these going early by using bell cloches during the cold spring.
Some of todays cut flowers. Sweet pea seed from Eagle Sweet Peas

We have worked very hard  here since we moved in but cannot take credit for the fantastic wild flowers surrounding us!

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