Sunday, 17 February 2013

Seeds and Sunshine

It's impossible not to feel optimistic after a day of blue sky and sunshine in February! Today the propagator was switched on and I sowed chillies, tomatoes, basils,  coriander, Clematis,, Kniphofia and Tagetes. In the greenhouse I sowed extra sweet peas and Rhubarb Victoria as I want lots of plants!

Yesterday, our cockerel Humphrey more than earned his keep by shrieking and crowing so loudly that I ran out  to the paddock expecting to find a fox. Instead I found a stoat with a Silkie bantam in its mouth! I kicked it off and poor Hilda jumped up and ran off, she has a small wound but seems fine and laid an egg this morning. We shall have to see if she goes off lay now, poor thing. I read of the need to plug any small gaps in the hen house as stoats, weasels etc can get in and cause havoc. I shall add a photo of the ducks, a more tranquil scene from today!

We spent all day outside, even eating lunch in the sunshine so there was plenty of opportunity to look at new growth and flowers. I am very pleased with the Helleborus orientalis and daffodils in ground and pots. 'February Gold' is living up to its name. Pruned the roses today, watered all the sweet peas and cold frames and Paul mowed the paddock with our 'new' mower... Given to us and coaxed into life.

Now our Internet is working again, I have been checking out Oca and Mashua cultivation and shall leave planting for a while yet. These tubers are such an exciting part of my Seedy Penpal parcel from Carl Legge. I am so looking forward to eating the harvest and I adore perennial Nastutiums.

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